Shivam Agarwal

New Delhi, India · (+91) 9582844208 ·

I am tech enthusiast. I have worked on variety of technologies and it drives me to explore new tech. I have keen interest in machine learning and data science. I have also worked on Django-python.


Fake Review Detection

M.Sc. Project

Working on developing a method to detect fake reviews posted on online platforms based on the review text using text analytics.

July 2018 - May 2019

Handwritten Digit Recognition

Django-Python Web App

Developed a deep learning model for recognition of handwritten digits and built a Django-python web application to provide an interface for the user to upload and identify digits.

S&P 500 Index Predictor

Deep Learning Model

A multi-layer neural network for predicting S&P index in python using TensorFlow.

Credit Card Fraud Detection

Anomaly Detector

Detect fraud transactions in a given data set using unsupervised algorithms called Isolation Forest and Local Outlier Factor.

Internal Assessment System

Django-Python Web App

Worked on the back-end of a Django-Python web application which provides an interface for faculty to maintain and update marks of students and generate reports and provides an interface for students to view their marks.


Department Of Computer Science, University of Delhi

Master of Science
Computer Science

Percentage(Till 3rd semester): 88.46%

July 2017 - May 2019

Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi

Bachelor of Science (Hons.)
Computer Science

Percentage: 95.15%

July 2014- May 2017

St. Don Bosco College, CBSE

Higher Secondary (12th)

Percentage: 91.00%

April 2013- April 2014


Programming Languages, Frameworks & Tools
Interest areas
  • Text analytics & NLP
  • Web Development
  • Machine Learning

Awards & Achievements

  • 3rd Merit Position in University of Delhi South Campus (Apr'15)
  • 2nd Merit Position in University of Delhi South Campus (Apr'17)
  • 1st Position in Code-a-thon Intra-Sankalan (DUCS)
  • 1st Position in Mind Matters- The IT Quiz Intra-Sankalan (DUCS)
  • 1st Position in Debugging Sangtaarash’18 (SPM college)
  • Successfully submitted an entry in Alexa Skills Challenge: Kids (Devpost)- Link to Devpost Entry